Specialist Disability Accommodation

Housing Categories

There are four design categories for NDIS participants that meet SDA funding eligibility.
All homes will offer 24/7 on-site care.
One Akshar

Improved Liveability

A shared home environment with two other house mates for people with sensory, intellectual, or cognitive impairment.

One Akshar

Fully Accessible

A home providing high-level physical access for people with significant physical impairment, shared with two other house mates.

One Akshar


A self-contained single occupancy villa for people with significant or profound intellectual disabilities to promote independence.

One Akshar

High Physical Support

A shared home with two housemates, with 24/7 support for people with high complex needs to feel safe and independent.

Short Term Accommodation – An inclusive and safe environment for people with disability

We also provide Short Term Accommodation for any participants who need a temporary place to stay. Whether your family needs to be away for work or any other personal reasons, we can tailor our support according to your needs and preferences to help you feel as if you never left home. Our STA is your home away from home.
Medium-term accommodation can be arranged for any participants who are transitioning into their new home from the hospital and require a place to stay up to 90days. We can assess your situation for your care needs and work out a reasonable rent contribution based on your budget.

One Akshar
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