Assistance with Daily Life
We understand the challenges participants face in finding the right support worker. You do not only someone competent in all required supports but a person who is passionate, caring and professional about making a difference in someone’s life.
That is why continuity of support is critical to us, as it builds trust between the participant, their family, and us as a provider. We take time to listen to you, understand your needs and help you with your everyday activities plus we constantly improve ourselves.

High-Intensity Support
Our nurses and carers have all the necessary skills and qualifications for your complex needs. We will do a thorough assessment of your needs to provide right professionals at the right time to look after you. All our nurses and carers have the appropriate training to handle incidents and emergencies in a professional manner, which is crucial as it could potentially save lives. Examples:
- Complex Wound Care
- Urinary Catheter Management
- Subcutaneous Injections
- Complex Bowl Care
Community Nursing
We can provide support for participants with high care needs by our Registered Nurse.
Please see the list below for the category of high care supports we provide.
And get in touch with us for an assessment.
- Complex wound care
- Administer medication
- Emergency Check up
- Complex Bowl Care
- Subcutaneous injections

Meal Preparation
We provide meal preparation for the residents of our accommodation.
Our carers prepare meals that will meet your special dietary needs.
Whether you want to eat healthily or simply just craving your favourite meal, we can sit down together and put a plan in place so that you can enjoy your favourite meals on the days you prefer, just the way you like it.
Of course, we can also make suggestion menus according to your dietary and appetiser needs. Your health and safety are our priority; that’s why we make sure our food hygiene is kept to the highest standards within the industry.
SIL – Supported Independent Living
Our Specialist Disability Accommodation is designed for all levels of disabilities including robust and high physical support participants. We have full time qualified, experienced carers who understand your everyday needs, including all the supports you need.